


ECAT Wayne
650 East Ave.
Erie, Pennsylvania 16503

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RAM Clinic

Free medical, dental, and vision clinic!

Addressing Health Inequities: Bringing the RAM Clinic to Erie, PA 

Many residents in Erie face significant barriers to accessing healthcare, including transportation, financial instability, lack of insurance, health literacy issues, and residency status. These obstacles often result in delayed or unmet health needs, leading to poor health outcomes like tooth decay, high rates of hypertension, and undiagnosed preventable diseases.  

To combat these challenges, the Hamot Health Foundation (HHF) and BUILD Community Development Corporation are launching a Remote Area Medical (RAM) Clinic in Erie this September at the ECAT Wayne building on East Ave. This initiative is part of our broader effort to address social determinants of health and improve health equity in our community. 

RAM has been providing free, high-quality healthcare services to underserved and uninsured populations for over 38 years. This year’s clinic will be the first of its kind in Erie, offering essential medical, dental, and vision services to those who might otherwise go without. 

The decision to host the clinic at ECAT Wayne stems from years of community engagement and feedback. Residents frequently highlighted unmet healthcare needs, such as the need for vision services and general medical care. These concerns are consistent with broader health trends in Erie County, which underscore the urgent need for accessible, high-quality healthcare interventions. 

By partnering with RAM, we aim to provide immediate, free healthcare services to our neighbors, adding Erie, and its residents, to the list of communities benefiting from RAM's patient interactions, which exceed 900,000. This event represents a crucial step towards reducing health disparities and fostering a healthier, more equitable Erie. 


It Takes a Village:  

RAM Clinics are highly choreographed events, run by experienced staff members, volunteers, and medical professionals. In addition to RAM staff, we’ve partnered with trusted community organizations familiar to our neighbors to help facilitate this event. This includes ServERIE, who are managing hospitality and volunteer services, and the Blue Coats, who will help to keep our event safe and community-oriented throughout the weekend.  

We’re grateful for UPMC staff who are lending their expertise in event planning and management, Logistics Plus Linguistic Solutions for offering translation services, LECOM Dental School for their support from the outset, UPMC Jameson School of Nursing at UPMC Hamot, Erie Center for Arts & Technology, Erie City School District and the staff at East Middle School, the City of Erie Police Department, and the countless volunteer providers who raised their hand to work an extra 12 hour shift (or two!) for the health of our Erie community.  


A Clinic in Practice:  

Clinics are run on a first-come, first-served basis, and patient spots fill up quickly. RAM has streamlined a process for registration that allows drivers, walkers, and bikers to all access the event. The parking lot (synonymous with registration) will open at midnight on Sept. 6, for patients to enter the parking lot at East Middle School. Patients will be guided through registration by volunteers posted throughout the area. Due to time constraints, patients will have the choice of accessing either dental or vision services. All patients can choose to receive medical care. 

Once the clinic opens at 6 a.m. on Saturday, Sept. 7, patients will be contacted via text (or in the event they don’t carry a cell phone, by a volunteer locating them in their designated “spot”) as their opening becomes available.  

Patients can expect services like eye exams, glasses made on-site, dental care, extractions, fillings, and dental x-rays. 

Clinic Information



If you'd like to speak with someone about the event, please contact:

Katherine Sheridan
Public Relations, RAM Clinic Host Group
Cell: 814-323-5506

RAM Event Flyer English RAM Event Flyers Additional Languages RAM Save the Date Social Media Post RAM BUILDing a Healthier Community Social Media Post Neighborhood Announcement Flyer


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