Thriving Neighborhoods

thriving neighborhoods v2

Wayne Health and Wealth Equity District

A development district for the community, envisioned by the community, working to make positive, lasting change on Erie’s Eastside.

In 2019, we purchased the former Wayne School Building and renovated it to house our programs and our partners. The building, known as ECAT Wayne, has become a community hub for resources including healthcare, education, recreation, and career development.

The Wayne renovation project helped us transition an anchor building in this community. But we know that more resources and opportunities are needed. We invite you to learn about how BUILD is facilitating a development district for the community, envisioned by the community by creating and implementing a neighborhood development plan.

Review our Neighborhood Development Plan

Plan Summary Full Plan NDP at BUILD

Thank you to our community for giving your feedback at the Neighborhood Development Plan Open House

ecat image
ecat image2

Ideas Generated

  • Splash pad at Wayne Park
  • Bright sidewalks
  • Space for younger adults to hangout
  • Painted metal sculptures designed by ECAT students
  • Healthy lunch options
  • Capturing history and culture in signage
  • Improving street safety
  • Improving pedestrian safety
  • More greenery and flowers
  • Arts and crafts events
  • Coworking space
  • Activate vacant storefronts
  • Coffee shop
  • Pet pickup stations
  • Side street lighting


The East Ave. Corridor

From ECAT on 6th St. to the industrial corridor on 12th St., the Bayfront Parkway to Pennsylvania Ave., we have envisioned the Wayne Equity District with the East Ave. commercial corridor at the core.


District Boundaries

Based on feedback from the community, our Steering Committee, and the expertise of Altair consultants, we have defined the district as the following:

  • Western Boundary: Bayfront Parkway
  • Northern Boundary: Northern side of E 6th St. to the West of East Ave. only, and continued on East Lake Rd. including Wayne Park
  • Eastern Boundary: Western side of Pennsylvania Ave.
  • Southern Boundary: Northern side of E 12th St.

View an Interactive Map


District Boundaries


The Goals

In service and in partnership with the members of the neighborhood, our team will build a Neighborhood Development Plan for the Wayne Health and Wealth Equity District with the following goals:

GOAL 1: Cosmetically improve the commercial properties located at East 6th and Bayfront and along the East Ave corridor between 6th and 12th.​

GOAL 2: Improve quality of life for neighborhood residents by increasing accessibility and safety and carrying out place-making activities that focus on the arts and recreation​.

GOAL 3: Result in critical repairs to at least 8 home-owner owned properties, improving both health outcomes and generational wealth (through increased property value)​.​

GOAL 4: Provide access to healthy, affordable food options​.​

GOAL 5: Engage residents in meaningful planning for their own neighborhood​.

GOAL 6: Build wealth through technical assistance programs that are strategically coupled with real-life opportunities​.

GOAL 7: Increase access to workforce development programs in key industries for Erie County.



September – October 2022

  • Form Steering Committee
  • Identify district boundaries
  • Conduct key stakeholder interviews
  • Assemble existing, relevant data sets
  • Design property and community outreach surveys
  • Community engagement
  • Canvassing
  • Input events (2)


November 2022 - January 2023

  • Conduct property survey and perform GIS Analysis
  • Implement community outreach survey (door-to-door canvassing during weeks of November 14th and November 28th)
  • Community engagement
  • Community Survey
  • Community Dinner


February - March 2023

  • Draft plan recommendations
  • Community Engagement
  • March 7th: Open House to share proposed plan


March 2023 - Ongoing

  • Revise plan based on community input and recommendations
  • Implement plan
  • Secure funding
  • Pilot Phase 1 projects
  • City of Erie plan adoption request

Upcoming Events

Events with an asterisk (*) are open to community members. Events with a double asterisk (**) are open to the public.

 2024: TBD


Share your memories of the neighborhood.
As we work on a neighborhood development plan, we are looking to the past to inform the future. Do you have memories of growing up in the district, attending school, church, or working here? Do you have pictures you’d be willing to share with us of businesses, houses, or community members? Please email to share.